

                                                                     female, b.29.9.2019

                                                                   HD/ED:  C/C, 0/0

                                                               BACK: LTV1, VA0, SP2

                                                                EYES OK, HEART OK

                                   FULL SCISSORBITE (105 removed due to an accident)


                           Almiras backround picture: © Koiravalokuvausta Lapista / Paula Grekelä


          rally-obedience, other sports are without bigger goals


                   mdr1 +/-, prcd-PRA clear


    23,5 kg


55 cm

Those who teach the most about humanity are not always humans.

Almira could actually be the subject of a book. However, I'll try to keep the introduction brief. Almi is my first Australian Shepherd and the main reason I fell in love with the breed.

Almi is energetic, intelligent, independent, emotionally intelligent, fast, hard-headed and passionate. Not the easiest first Aussie. She's also very lively and gladly reacts to its surroundings if allowed. However, with age, she has calmed down significantly and is now the most easiest dog. Could it be that we have caught each other's mindset and learned how to live together? Who knows! Ultimately, Almi is a kind and joyful dog - the world to her is  just a huge amusement park where she enjoys having fun.

With Almi, we have shared life's joys and sorrows. This dog is almost like having a conversation partner, and I would do anything to keep her forever. Almi reads me like an open book and knows exactly what I'm thinking. Almi is a typical herder, mirroring and reading all human moods in no time. There's no point in trying to lie to her. Life with Almi is uncomplicated nowadays - she calms down nicely at home, but in training, she switches to sport mode, and I guess she would keep going until the end of the world if allowed; repetitions does'nt affect her.

I've said that it's been great with Almi to think about what would be "the" hobby for me due to her trainability. Almi learns through offering behaviors and repetitions. Almi is a dog that will do anything with me - and even enjoys it. So far, we have engaged in rally obedience, obedience, herding, tracking, search, shows, and a bit of nose work. Additionally, we do some canicross - and this dog shines there too. She hasn't really needed to be taught how to pull. Almi simply loves running, so it's rewarding in itself. Almi is definitely at its best in outdoor sports, and she has saved me from major trouble a few times when I've lost my keys in the woods.

Almi is brave, balanced, and unwavering. She has some quite a lot of prey & chase drive, but only a little guarding instinct in her.

Almi is the undisputed leader of our pack. She is calm, patient, and wise in the company of other dogs. Almi is respected in the pack.

Almi is open and social. She gets along with almost all dogs and people. She finds children a bit unpredictable and strange, but this might be more of a matter of getting used to them. Also she is avoiding strangely acting human (aggressive, screaming etc). She knows definitely, when some one is fishy. Almi tolerates unpleasant situations quite well. I trust it 100% in almost every situation.

Almi is the ideal breed type for me - it's strong, balanced, beautiful, driven, and in a good way, a bit crazy. And when you see her trot, she will take your breathe away!

Photo: @aussie_photograph
Photo: @aussie_photograph